3 March 23
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life?”
This question, posited by Mary Oliver in her poem THE SUMMER DAY, is the question for each of us. And for artists of every genre, our answer is always “To get our best work done.”
So get to your working space & let’s Rock ‘n Roll!
All thanks & much appreciation to everyone who has been along for the wild ride of this individual’s life journey…..
10 May 24
CHOREOGRAPHY: Chore/ography
Chore = Work
(Geo)graphy = Landscape
Through our work, we each create our own Landscape.
The landscape of our work / Our work is our landscape.
MANIFESTO©2024 StudioKateHunt
These sculptures occupy a space of solid ambiguity.
They are structural without being architecture.
They are architectural without allowing physical entrance.
They are dimensional yet reside in the atmosphere of poetry and intellect.
They hold volume without being containers.
They hold a strong sense of the graphic yet not the pictorial.
There is no Void yet nothing is full.
They are rich in content yet humble in materials.
They are resolved/completed works of exploratory ideas/concepts.
They are highly edited yet hold a multitude of interpretations.
They are each one sculpture based on multiple units.
These sculptures hold no illusions nor abstractions.
They are a manifesto of - and for - Space and Time.
Kate Hunt, Sculptor. Cave Creek, Arizona